Sustainable Products & Services


We are an Aveda Concept Salon.

We strive to achieve environmental sustainability in hairdressing. Aveda has been the pioneer of sustainable salons since the 1980s. our Aveda products are certified sustainable, never tested on animals, and soon to be completely vegan. We offer all types of sustainable beauty items from hair care to skin care, and more! To learn more about how exactly our products are sustainable click the button below.

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Chocosol Traders.

Chocosol is a Toronto based company that focuses on people-centred, socially-just, ecological, and dignified production. Their chocolate products are stone-ground, eco-responsible, and delicious!

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VoMor is an Aveda exclusive hair extension system that offers fuller, thicker, healthier looking hair in just 15 minutes. They have Aveda mission-aligned company values and their extensions are safe, non damaging. They are comfortable, natural, undetectable and fast to apply and remove (in-salon only).

 For more information about our products and services, and to shop online visit our Aveda-Commerce page.

Thank you for supporting local in the town of Gananoque!


 This year more than ever our local businesses need your support. Shop local in the town of Gananoque and feel great about giving back to your community! Please keep Rapunzel in mind as well as our friends featured below:

Steel Style Garage


Natures Tonic

Magnolia Flowers

Beggar’s Banquet Books

1000 Islands Playhouse